Unknown error (0x80041452)


I've had a working C# application for months.  It runs daily to query ARS (AD) to see which accounts are being automatically deleted.  It uses the returned query results to email application owners to let them know to remove the users.

As I said, it has been working without fault for months.  Last wednesday it stopped working and all the error message that I get is "Unknown error (0x80041452)".  The error happens  when doing the "SearchResultCollection src = searcher.FindAll();".  The full code snippet is below.

I tried googling this, but all I get back is a single Quest forum thread with a different problem.

If any one has hit this before, or has any ideas, I'd appreciate it.


DirectoryEntry dirEntry = null;

IADsOpenDSObject iADsOpenDSObject = null;

IADs iads = null;



iADsOpenDSObject = (IADsOpenDSObject)Marshal.BindToMoniker("EDMS:");

iads = (IADs)iADsOpenDSObject.OpenDSObject("EDMS://XXXXXXXXXXX.xxxxxx.com/OU=XX,OU=XXX,DC=xxxxxx,DC=com", @"domain\adminid", "XXXXXXXXXX", 32768);

if (newway)


dirEntry = new DirectoryEntry(iads);

DateTime datetimer = DateTime.Today.Date;

string searchFilter = "(&(edsvaDeprovisionDeletionDate>= " + datetimer.ToShortDateString() + " 12:00AM)(edsvaDeprovisionDeletionDate<= " + datetimer.ToShortDateString() + " 11:59PM))";

DirectorySearcher searcher = new DirectorySearcher(dirEntry, searchFilter, new string[] { "samaccountname", "sn", "givenname" }, SearchScope.Subtree);

SearchResultCollection src = searcher.FindAll();

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