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How to Manage Multiple Forest

Hello Guys,

I have two forest. ARS is installed in one forest and is perfectly working fine. I need to use the same ARS installation to provision / re-provision / de-provision users in another forest.

I have created a trust between this two forest. Created a separate ARS service account (member of domain admin and exchange organization admin) in another.

What are the necessary pre-requisite for such setup?
Do I have to install ARS service in the other forest as well?

  • I have similar problem as Sameer. Need to cereate mailbox in the multi forest and each forest has it's own exchange. Each forest domains are added in my configuration as a managed domain using override service account..
  • I have similar problem as Sameer. Need to cereate mailbox in the multi forest and each forest has it's own exchange. Each forest domains are added in my configuration as a managed domain using override service account..
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