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Client QARS MMC access gives access denied

Hi All,

We have setup QARS 6.10 and intially we had set up client MMC to be used only by Domain Admin role holders. Now we are trying to expand it to other OPS team who use AD was group/User management. When  a non admin user tries to access QARS mmc from workstation, the following error occurs
" Failed to connect to Administration Serviceon <Server Name>
  Service cannot be contacted or access is denied.
  Verify that the service is started. Try to connect with a different user account. Access is Denied."

We have a role group rqars-soeusers which has been give Read All Properties on the domain. All users are members of this group so that they can access QARS.

If we make user memberof rApp-QRSAdmin group, the user can access qars but this gives full access over qars. 

Can someone help me to know what is the actual process to grant a normal user access to qars. We have already assigned tasks for these users in QARS.

  • Hi Ivan,

    Thanks for the reply

    The password is not wrong as the password works when user tries to log on to workstation.

    As I told earlier on the domain node we have granted rusr-qarsusers read all properties right. All users in AD are members of this group.

    In have not sent any other restriction for MMC. Is something required which I am missing out?

  • Hi Ivan,

    Thanks for the reply

    The password is not wrong as the password works when user tries to log on to workstation.

    As I told earlier on the domain node we have granted rusr-qarsusers read all properties right. All users in AD are members of this group.

    In have not sent any other restriction for MMC. Is something required which I am missing out?

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