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Add "New User Wizard" to custom form


I am looking to add the "New User Wizard" to a custom form accessed through the user self service web-site, the idea behind this is that a manager can request the creation of a new user and then the approval workflow takes care of adding user to groups, drives etc.

Is this possible, is there a create user attribute?

Thank in advance... 
  • briefly.
    1. ARS WI Wizard got option: create New Website (from ADmin WI Template) - create IIS website
    2. Login to new website ( as ARS ADmin) and customize any Website form (User, Group etc.)
    ARS WI is the interface designed to be customized to match customer requirements. It is supported scenario.

  • briefly.
    1. ARS WI Wizard got option: create New Website (from ADmin WI Template) - create IIS website
    2. Login to new website ( as ARS ADmin) and customize any Website form (User, Group etc.)
    ARS WI is the interface designed to be customized to match customer requirements. It is supported scenario.

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