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Computer Name Generation

I am trying to generate a simple computer name policy. When i create a new computer object via AR, i want AR to generate PC-0001 and the next computer object PC-0002  and so on. I used the following policysamAccountName =  PC-{@counter(4)}cn = %<samAccountName>Every time i create a computer object,  the samaccountname and cn are pre populated with PC-0001, but when i click next, i get a corporate policy violation. This is the only policy i have in the OU.

Help Please
  • (I would recommend) in the code on non-windows side I will put SOAP/SPML call ARS SPML provider to Search for provided Computer$ name. If the call return non-empty value then the name is already in sue and the non-windows side process return end-user back to the UI stating "Error. AD reports that the name is in use. Please specify another one".
  • (I would recommend) in the code on non-windows side I will put SOAP/SPML call ARS SPML provider to Search for provided Computer$ name. If the call return non-empty value then the name is already in sue and the non-windows side process return end-user back to the UI stating "Error. AD reports that the name is in use. Please specify another one".
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