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New Active Roles Policies


We want to add 2 new policy's on user creation these are

Property Generation and Validation

. accountExpires (accountExpires)

.edsaMemberOf (edsaMemberOf)


But we want them to be optional not Must be specifed, how can this be done?




  • The MemberOf attribute is special. It's actually computed and back-synced based on the Members attribute of Group objects. You cannot add something to that attribute directly.

    If you want this optional, and triggered during User account creation, the best method would be to create a custom virtual attribute, expose it, and populate it with a list of options. Then, have a Workflow listen to changes to this virtual attribute and populate Group Memberships accordingly.

    accountExpires is also special because of the way that it is stored. Timestamps are stored in integer time format. So, you're likely going to have to implement a script which would calculate the appropriate integer time.
  • The MemberOf attribute is special. It's actually computed and back-synced based on the Members attribute of Group objects. You cannot add something to that attribute directly.

    If you want this optional, and triggered during User account creation, the best method would be to create a custom virtual attribute, expose it, and populate it with a list of options. Then, have a Workflow listen to changes to this virtual attribute and populate Group Memberships accordingly.

    accountExpires is also special because of the way that it is stored. Timestamps are stored in integer time format. So, you're likely going to have to implement a script which would calculate the appropriate integer time.
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