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Workflow Approval

When a manager receives an approval to add a user to a group is there a way we can provide a link to check the existing membership ?


We want the email to say “remember it is your responsibility to ensure the correct list of people have access to this resource… You can check the existing members here…”




  • Manager of the group can search in http://ARServerADmin website for the <group name> and see the membership. The appropriate Browse right can be given to the Manager (and even Change Membership, if needed) – via ARS AT roles permissions.
    Though remember: ARS is AD-centric product and group’s manager must be AD-aware. If manager is not-AD-aware, then D1IM ADE will provide abstract management workflow for abstract resource layer (regardless of the resource nature: AD group, NTFS, Printer etc…)
  • Manager of the group can search in http://ARServerADmin website for the <group name> and see the membership. The appropriate Browse right can be given to the Manager (and even Change Membership, if needed) – via ARS AT roles permissions.
    Though remember: ARS is AD-centric product and group’s manager must be AD-aware. If manager is not-AD-aware, then D1IM ADE will provide abstract management workflow for abstract resource layer (regardless of the resource nature: AD group, NTFS, Printer etc…)
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