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Active Roles Server 7.0.2 workflow for automatically assign Office 365 license to AD user

Hi, I want to specific assign Office 365 license to Active Directory user accounts depending on group membership or OU location.

What is the best way to perform this process and can you help me by providing information about how to do it.

  • Good point Terrance however there was no mention of this Add-In having been deployed and if they are like most Office 365 customers, they cannot use it because they have AADSync in place.

    Actually, to be more precise - it hardly seems worth deploying the Add-In solely for licensing purposes (though that is a supported scenario even if AADSync is in place).

  • Good point Terrance however there was no mention of this Add-In having been deployed and if they are like most Office 365 customers, they cannot use it because they have AADSync in place.

    Actually, to be more precise - it hardly seems worth deploying the Add-In solely for licensing purposes (though that is a supported scenario even if AADSync is in place).

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