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Replication reports from multiple forests

Hi All,

We have powershell script ready to fetch the Replication status of a forest, we have multiple forests,  need help to schedule the script from ARS for each forest,

Thanks & Regards,

Ravi Ch.

  • One important thing to understand about ActiveRoles is that from a delegation perspective, it doesn't really know about Forests. Rather, when you configure environments to be managed, you are doing so one domain at a time.

    Presumably your script knows what Forests to interrogate today - perhaps from an input file and there's no reason you cannot continue in this fashion unless you want to have the script find the Forest roots among the managed domains configured in ActiveRoles.

    Here's some powershell that would help you with that:

    Get-QADObject -proxy -Searchroot "CN=Managed Domains,CN=Server Configuration,CN=Configuration" -SearchScope One Level -includedproperties edsvadomaindns | select edsvadomaindns

    The above code will give you a list of all the FQDNs of your ActiveRoles Managed Domains. From that list, you can decide which ones are the Forest roots you want to run your script against.

    As to your script, having ActiveRoles execute it is fine - you just need to make sure that the script loads the requisite ActiveDirectory powershell module:

    Import-Module ActiveDirectory

    ...and that this module (part of Msft RSAT) is installed on your ActiveRoles server.

    Also, you will need to make sure that your ActiveRoles service account has access to the Domains you wish to check OR that you have configured an override accounts for each domain.

    You will "install" your script into "Script Modules" as a "scheduled task script" (so it doesn't need to be structured as a callable function).

    Then it's just a matter of adding a scheduled task under Configuration | Server Configuration | Scheduled Tasks - assigning one of your ActiveRoles servers to run it.

    'Hope this helps.
  • One important thing to understand about ActiveRoles is that from a delegation perspective, it doesn't really know about Forests. Rather, when you configure environments to be managed, you are doing so one domain at a time.

    Presumably your script knows what Forests to interrogate today - perhaps from an input file and there's no reason you cannot continue in this fashion unless you want to have the script find the Forest roots among the managed domains configured in ActiveRoles.

    Here's some powershell that would help you with that:

    Get-QADObject -proxy -Searchroot "CN=Managed Domains,CN=Server Configuration,CN=Configuration" -SearchScope One Level -includedproperties edsvadomaindns | select edsvadomaindns

    The above code will give you a list of all the FQDNs of your ActiveRoles Managed Domains. From that list, you can decide which ones are the Forest roots you want to run your script against.

    As to your script, having ActiveRoles execute it is fine - you just need to make sure that the script loads the requisite ActiveDirectory powershell module:

    Import-Module ActiveDirectory

    ...and that this module (part of Msft RSAT) is installed on your ActiveRoles server.

    Also, you will need to make sure that your ActiveRoles service account has access to the Domains you wish to check OR that you have configured an override accounts for each domain.

    You will "install" your script into "Script Modules" as a "scheduled task script" (so it doesn't need to be structured as a callable function).

    Then it's just a matter of adding a scheduled task under Configuration | Server Configuration | Scheduled Tasks - assigning one of your ActiveRoles servers to run it.

    'Hope this helps.
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