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Active Roles - Attestation and Self Service

Greetings to All,


There might be many who will agree with me if I say ARS is the best solution for AD and Exchange management and automation. I was wondering, as we have come back to Quest, if the product manager could consider bringing in Attestation and User Self-Service back to ARS?


I and many of my customers were really happy to use these two features along with all other features. But with the change in policy i.e. stripping of these two features from ARS, they are no more able to use these features.  I am aware that there is One Identity AD edition but it is totally different product.  

I sincerely feel these two features should be present in ARS.


I would like to know what the Product Manager and other fans of ARS think of it?



  • ARS is AD-centric product, without MetaDatabase, to provide AD Management Workflow operations door. Not hide Resource and User platform details: they are AD objects => End-user must be AD-aware.
    D1IM is full Identity Management solution with Metadatabase to provide abstract local layer of User to Resource Management workflow. IDM leave one floor above platforms (AD/Windows, Exchange/ARS one of them). Hides technical nuances of Recourse and User platforms => end-user is platform non-aware.
    Strategy. QC and ARS SSM was an attempt to elevate ARS to IDM solution, which was only partially successful, partially not. Decision not to push ARS to full IDM makes perfect sense. ARS SSM was removed from late ARS.
  • ARS is AD-centric product, without MetaDatabase, to provide AD Management Workflow operations door. Not hide Resource and User platform details: they are AD objects => End-user must be AD-aware.
    D1IM is full Identity Management solution with Metadatabase to provide abstract local layer of User to Resource Management workflow. IDM leave one floor above platforms (AD/Windows, Exchange/ARS one of them). Hides technical nuances of Recourse and User platforms => end-user is platform non-aware.
    Strategy. QC and ARS SSM was an attempt to elevate ARS to IDM solution, which was only partially successful, partially not. Decision not to push ARS to full IDM makes perfect sense. ARS SSM was removed from late ARS.
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