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Importing Workflows

I'm currently transferring the configuration from a Test ARS 6.9 instance into UAT and everything imported fine except the workflows which is the final step.  This error is displayed immediately on starting the Import:

Administrative Policy returned an error.
Administration Service encountered an error when searching the container object 'CN=Script Modules,CN=Configuration'.

'(|(distinguishedName=CN=<name>,CN=Script Modules,CN=Configuration)(distinguishedName=CN=<name>,CN=Script Modules,CN=Configuration)(distinguishedName=CN=<name>,CN=Script Modules,CN=Configuration)(distinguishedName=CN=<name>,CN=Script Modules,CN=Configuration)) is not a valid LDAP filter.

<name> in each case is the name of the script which exists and was already transferred over.

Any ideas or suggestions welcomed.



  • If you don't have a lot of workflows, it might just be easier to export-import them individually. Just right click on the workflow and there should be an Export option available.

    A couple of tips:

    1) Check to make sure the script references in the script activities re-created correctly on import.

    2) Test the workflow(s) thoroughly. I have found that some workflows don't import cleanly and you need to rebuild them.

    3) Verify any object references (for example in start condition filters) to make sure they are still valid.

  • Thanks for the response. I've just tried it with a single workflow and I get the same error, even trying a workflow that doesn't contain any scripts does the same thing.