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Importing Workflows

I'm currently transferring the configuration from a Test ARS 6.9 instance into UAT and everything imported fine except the workflows which is the final step.  This error is displayed immediately on starting the Import:

Administrative Policy returned an error.
Administration Service encountered an error when searching the container object 'CN=Script Modules,CN=Configuration'.

'(|(distinguishedName=CN=<name>,CN=Script Modules,CN=Configuration)(distinguishedName=CN=<name>,CN=Script Modules,CN=Configuration)(distinguishedName=CN=<name>,CN=Script Modules,CN=Configuration)(distinguishedName=CN=<name>,CN=Script Modules,CN=Configuration)) is not a valid LDAP filter.

<name> in each case is the name of the script which exists and was already transferred over.

Any ideas or suggestions welcomed.



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