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Read CREATOR OWNER special permission for computer class schema using powershell commands


I want to know how to Read CREATOR OWNER special permission for computer class schema using powershell commands

I changed the computer object schema in the AD,

I did as shown below.

I changed the default schema for CREATOR OWNER->Special.

uncheck the "All Extended Rights"

  1. Open the Active Directory Schema snap-in.

  2. In the left pane, browse to the class you want to modify.

  3. Right-click on it and select Properties.

  4. Select the Default Security tab.

  5. Use the ACL Editor to change the ACL.

  6. Click OK.

So now if I create computer object in the ADUC by login as a domain User(who is having rights to create computer object), it creates a computer object and sets its default set values.

I want to know what is happening at background when computer objects creates and how that default ACLs and permissions are applied.

I am writing a powershell script when I am able to create new-adcomputer but want to know what opther commands I need to execute to set default permissions set @schema level for creator owner.