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Long winded but interesting outside the box question ..

I've installed both ARS 6.9 and ARS 7 administration services on the same single VM (in our development environment)

This lets me test and easily compare between the two with the smallest virtual footprint.

Since both have different service names, they play well enough together my dev sandbox.

A question came up - about the ARS commandlets.   I didn't update the powershell commandlets - thinking that the newer would supercede or overwrite the 6.9 version.  

Question - When you run a connect-qadservice  - how does/would it know which running service to connect to on the one host?  Do the 6.9 commandlets only connect to 'arssvc', and the 7.0 commandlet versions only connect to 'ARAdminSvc' ?


  • This is a dev ... crash and burn environment. There is nothing mission critical here - merely a place to try and fail. The final outcome of my testing this morning - with a fellow admin, is that while - I was able to see the separation ... I could only read attributes specific to 6.9 from the get-qaduser command at an administrator launched powershell 4 console, my co-worker was able to only see attributes specific to 7.0 - same server - parallel instances, where he was using the venerable, but tired PowerGUI. I believe the issue we were running in to was one of pathing. I installed ARS7 - he consumed it. My module path and his are assumed to have been different. I uninstalled ARS7 a few minutes ago from this host and restarted -leaving only ARS 6.9 instance in place.
    He can now only see ARS 6.9 related attributes, and my view hasn't changed. I still only see 6.9. It was a good exercise.

    I ask the best questions - in like - ever. ;)
  • This is a dev ... crash and burn environment. There is nothing mission critical here - merely a place to try and fail. The final outcome of my testing this morning - with a fellow admin, is that while - I was able to see the separation ... I could only read attributes specific to 6.9 from the get-qaduser command at an administrator launched powershell 4 console, my co-worker was able to only see attributes specific to 7.0 - same server - parallel instances, where he was using the venerable, but tired PowerGUI. I believe the issue we were running in to was one of pathing. I installed ARS7 - he consumed it. My module path and his are assumed to have been different. I uninstalled ARS7 a few minutes ago from this host and restarted -leaving only ARS 6.9 instance in place.
    He can now only see ARS 6.9 related attributes, and my view hasn't changed. I still only see 6.9. It was a good exercise.

    I ask the best questions - in like - ever. ;)
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