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Virtual Attrubute

How can i add Virtual Attrubutes to computer accounts with drop down menus >?

  • Three steps:

    1) Create a provisioning policy rule (property validation & generation) for each of the VA(s) you want and add the desired dropdown menu items in as accepted values. You can add these rules to an existing provisioning policy or create a brand new one. If you do the latter, you will need to link the new policy to the OUs where your computer accounts reside.
    2) Add the VA's to the Web UI by selecting the customization link on one of Computer properties tabs.
    3) Make sure you select "Reload" under the customization menu to make your change live in the ActiveRoles web UI.
  • Three steps:

    1) Create a provisioning policy rule (property validation & generation) for each of the VA(s) you want and add the desired dropdown menu items in as accepted values. You can add these rules to an existing provisioning policy or create a brand new one. If you do the latter, you will need to link the new policy to the OUs where your computer accounts reside.
    2) Add the VA's to the Web UI by selecting the customization link on one of Computer properties tabs.
    3) Make sure you select "Reload" under the customization menu to make your change live in the ActiveRoles web UI.
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