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Popup button click not working In web portal

Hi All, In web ui i have a popup messagebox in which i have a save button. And i want while click on the save button it should redirect to main page. But after clicking on save button nothing is happening. Please help me on this. Regards, Raj
  • Hi,

    I think I've seen this before when using Internet Explorer 11 - we needed to enable Compatibility Mode in order to get the Save button to accept the changes to DL members. Can you try to add the AR website to the Compatibility mode list (or remove if it was already there)? Regards,

  • Hi,

    I think I've seen this before when using Internet Explorer 11 - we needed to enable Compatibility Mode in order to get the Save button to accept the changes to DL members. Can you try to add the AR website to the Compatibility mode list (or remove if it was already there)? Regards,

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