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Domain Name Issue

ActiveRoles Console adding domain receive message "You must specify a value for the propert 'cn'.  I've tried multiple combinations to no avail, can someone provide syntax I should be using.  Thank you in advance for any help.

  • I presume that is happening when you are trying to setup a new Managed Domain.

    Have you tried specifying the FQDN of your domain?

    I'm curious about something - what is the NetBIOS / downlevel name of the domain compared to its DNS name (FQDN).
  • I presume that is happening when you are trying to setup a new Managed Domain.

    Have you tried specifying the FQDN of your domain?

    I'm curious about something - what is the NetBIOS / downlevel name of the domain compared to its DNS name (FQDN).
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