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Querying an object via SPML and returning only one attribute

Hi, I am searching for a way to get only back one attribute when querying an object using the SPML provider. It is described that it is possible on the following site but we're struggling to find the correct syntax:

Perform complex search
This example illustrates how to have SPML Provider find all objects that meet certain search criteria and return the values of certain attributes of the objects found.
In this case, SPML Provider performs the search operation.
The request message includes the following XML elements:
The <soap:Envelope> and <soap:Body> SOAP elements enclose the SPML payload.
The <searchRequest> element asks SPML Provider to perform a search and return the identifiers and attribute values of the objects found.
The <query> element determines the scope of the search.
The <basePsoID> element specifies the distinguished name of the container object to search. For instance, this could be the distinguished name of a certain organizational unit.
The <filter> element encloses the elements that specify the search criteria.
The <attributes> element specifies the object attributes to be included in the response.
The response contains the identifiers (distinguished names) of the objects found and, for each object, the values of the attributes specified by the <attributes> element in the search request.

Is anyone able to provide an example?

