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Quest Powershell New-QARSAccessTemplateLink



I am trying to link a Access Template to some OU's and specify the permissions for a group. I am using the following command:

get-QADObject -SearchRoot 'OU=xxx,DC=xxx,DC=xxx' | %{new-QARSAccessTemplateLink -AccessTemplate 'Configuration/Access Templates/TemplateName' -DirectoryObject $_ -Trustee 'Domain\GroupName}

After running the command it sets the access template not only to the OU for the specified group, but also for every user in this group. 

After browsing to the Access Templates folder and selecting the Access Template in the right pane I see that the Access Template is not only applied to the OU, but also to all members of the group.

Any suggestions are welcome :-)





  • You really don't need the "Get" at all. You can simply specify the DN of the OU you have in your SearchRoot in the -DirectoryObject parameter. This will link the template to this OU and inheritance will make it effective over all child objects.

    Also, don't forget the -proxy switch in your New-QARSAccessTemplate link command.

  • You really don't need the "Get" at all. You can simply specify the DN of the OU you have in your SearchRoot in the -DirectoryObject parameter. This will link the template to this OU and inheritance will make it effective over all child objects.

    Also, don't forget the -proxy switch in your New-QARSAccessTemplate link command.

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