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Change Auditor integration - Firewalls


I have an ARS server and a Change Auditor server - each is in a different network, with firewalls in between.

In order to deploy the CA Integration scripts, and have the functionality work correctly, what ports need to be open between the two servers?



  • I would recommend open SR to get official and supported answer.
    both CA and ARS official pdf manuals contain description for list of ports required.
    Not sure such information is available for ARS talking to CA coordinator and SQL\CA db (cross forest?):
    (step1) deploy scripts/policies from ForestB\CA console to ForestA\ARS
    (step2) to make ForestA\ARS ADmin service to rights record to ForestA(orB?)\SQL\CA DB
    Consideration: In cross-forest CA deployment might be: ForestB\Audited DCs, ForestA\SQL\CA DB and ForestA\ARS reside in the same ForestA.