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edsva-ScheduledLink-Starttime & Endtime

ARS version 7.0 on Windows 2012r2

The question is about Temporal Group modification.   I have created a changed workflow which will pickup changes to a specific group.  Joining the group requires approval.  Once approval is granted, the workflow will add the user to the group and the workflow will issue an Update on two attributes:

1. Set the edsva-ScheduledLink-Starttime to be Date and Time (Current) 

2. Set the edsva-ScheduledLink-Endtime  is set to  Date and Time (Current + 1 days). 

The user is added to the group successfully after approval, but the Start time and End time in the temporal membership didn't get updated for the user.  Do I miss any attribute that I need to modify?  I am attaching a file here with the screenshots of the workflow...I wonder if I need to script it, perhaps off the shelf workflow is insufficient to do it? 

Thanks for any suggestions here.


  • I may be mistaken but I believe you have to feed the information to schedule the action using a '-Control' parameter in your add and remove command:

    So something like this:

    # Schedule the Add to happen right away (or at a time if you like)

    Add-QADGroupMember -proxy -identity "MyGroup" -Member "JUser" -Control @{"ScheduledOperation-SetTime"= "Now"}

    # Schedule the Removal 24 hours later

    Remove-QADGroupMember -proxy -identity "MyGroup" -Member "JUser" -Control @{"ScheduledOperation-SetTime"= "20170202080000.0Z"}

  • Hi Johnny,

    Yeah... I think you are probably right. I have to script it (with Control) as the temporal group setting is not just two attribute values that you can set and be done with it. It almost look like, there is a layer ARS put on top of the group object to simulate dynamic object; hence your script will probably be able to handle that. No problem and I accept it.

    Thanks again Johnny.