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edsva-ScheduledLink-Starttime & Endtime

ARS version 7.0 on Windows 2012r2

The question is about Temporal Group modification.   I have created a changed workflow which will pickup changes to a specific group.  Joining the group requires approval.  Once approval is granted, the workflow will add the user to the group and the workflow will issue an Update on two attributes:

1. Set the edsva-ScheduledLink-Starttime to be Date and Time (Current) 

2. Set the edsva-ScheduledLink-Endtime  is set to  Date and Time (Current + 1 days). 

The user is added to the group successfully after approval, but the Start time and End time in the temporal membership didn't get updated for the user.  Do I miss any attribute that I need to modify?  I am attaching a file here with the screenshots of the workflow...I wonder if I need to script it, perhaps off the shelf workflow is insufficient to do it? 

Thanks for any suggestions here.


  • I may be mistaken but I believe you have to feed the information to schedule the action using a '-Control' parameter in your add and remove command:

    So something like this:

    # Schedule the Add to happen right away (or at a time if you like)

    Add-QADGroupMember -proxy -identity "MyGroup" -Member "JUser" -Control @{"ScheduledOperation-SetTime"= "Now"}

    # Schedule the Removal 24 hours later

    Remove-QADGroupMember -proxy -identity "MyGroup" -Member "JUser" -Control @{"ScheduledOperation-SetTime"= "20170202080000.0Z"}

  • I may be mistaken but I believe you have to feed the information to schedule the action using a '-Control' parameter in your add and remove command:

    So something like this:

    # Schedule the Add to happen right away (or at a time if you like)

    Add-QADGroupMember -proxy -identity "MyGroup" -Member "JUser" -Control @{"ScheduledOperation-SetTime"= "Now"}

    # Schedule the Removal 24 hours later

    Remove-QADGroupMember -proxy -identity "MyGroup" -Member "JUser" -Control @{"ScheduledOperation-SetTime"= "20170202080000.0Z"}

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