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disable browse for Exchange database on the MailUser Create Form


we have a policy so that Exchange database will be select automatically.

So i want to know if there is a way to disable the Browse button on the Create an Exchange Mailbox Form.







  • (in my opinion)
    Policy to select Exchange Mbx Dbs
    1) controls the list of allowed Ex mbx dbs
    2) has option “Enforce Mbx Creation” = False(allow to select)/True(not allow)
    3) has option “Round Robbin”/ default selection of Ex mbx dbs, though still allow to choose manually if needed.
  • Hi Aidar,

    thanks for your reply, this is all set as you describe, but we want to disable the manual choose. So that admins do not have the chance to select the DB manually.



  • Unfortunately, I was not able to come up with positive solution.
    #1. the only one Ex mbx DB is pre-set (”hardcoded”) in the allowed list (inactive staged accounts scenario)
    #2. On Create Admin executes right “AT Create User Object” which allows the choice of Ex Mbx Dbs. I do not see how to deny it.
    Maybe someone else on the forum will provide working idea (?)
  • hi hubert76,

    if you have enforce the mailbox creation then you can mark mailbox setting as ready only in web form.