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Get-QADComputer attributes


Do we have a list of all attributes used by the command Get-QADComputer?

from the command :

"Get-QADComputer -includedproperties serviceprincipalname | where {$_.serviceprincipalname -notlike "msclustervirtualserver*"}

I would like:

1. display the serviceprincipalname on the screen

2. export all data to a csv, xls file



  • I omit "-notypeinformation" on the second command and it gives me tons of fields ... digging now... but no "ServicePrincipalName" !!!

    #TYPE Quest.ActiveRoles.ArsPowerShellSnapIn.Data.ArsComputerObject
    objectClass objectSid objectGUID userAccountControl whenCreated whenChanged operatingSystemVersion operatingSystem operatingSystemServicePack dNSHostName edsvaNamingContextDN mS-DS-CreatorSID #NAME? ComputerName ComputerRole CreatorSid DnsName Location ManagedBy SecondaryOwners OSName OSVersion OSServicePack OSHotFix TrustedForDelegation AccountIsDisabled NTAccountName SamAccountName Security Domain LastKnownParent MemberOf NestedMemberOf Notes AllMemberOf Keywords ProxyAddresses PrimarySMTPAddress PrimarySMTPAddressPrefix PrimarySMTPAddressSuffix PrimaryX400Address PrimaryMSMailAddress PrimaryCCMailAddress PrimaryMacMailAddress PrimaryLotusNotesAddress PrimaryGroupWiseAddress EmailAddressPolicyEnabled Path DN CanonicalName CreationDate ModificationDate ParentContainer ParentContainerDN Name ClassName Type Guid Sid Description DisplayName OperationID OperationStatus Cache Connection DirectoryEntry

  • I omit "-notypeinformation" on the second command and it gives me tons of fields ... digging now... but no "ServicePrincipalName" !!!

    #TYPE Quest.ActiveRoles.ArsPowerShellSnapIn.Data.ArsComputerObject
    objectClass objectSid objectGUID userAccountControl whenCreated whenChanged operatingSystemVersion operatingSystem operatingSystemServicePack dNSHostName edsvaNamingContextDN mS-DS-CreatorSID #NAME? ComputerName ComputerRole CreatorSid DnsName Location ManagedBy SecondaryOwners OSName OSVersion OSServicePack OSHotFix TrustedForDelegation AccountIsDisabled NTAccountName SamAccountName Security Domain LastKnownParent MemberOf NestedMemberOf Notes AllMemberOf Keywords ProxyAddresses PrimarySMTPAddress PrimarySMTPAddressPrefix PrimarySMTPAddressSuffix PrimaryX400Address PrimaryMSMailAddress PrimaryCCMailAddress PrimaryMacMailAddress PrimaryLotusNotesAddress PrimaryGroupWiseAddress EmailAddressPolicyEnabled Path DN CanonicalName CreationDate ModificationDate ParentContainer ParentContainerDN Name ClassName Type Guid Sid Description DisplayName OperationID OperationStatus Cache Connection DirectoryEntry

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