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ActiveRoles 6.1 and schema / FFL upgrade

Hi everyone,
I have inherited an old implementation of ActiveRoles 6.1.

We are about to make some AD changes -- in particular to extend our schema from 2008R2 to 2012R2 and to raise the forest/domain functional levels from 2003 to 2008R2.

Have any of you made either of these changes while running ActiveRoles 6.1?

If so, were there any problems?

I suspect nothing will break, but since I am new to ActiveRoles, and the version is old/unsupported, I wanted to check here first.

Thanks in advance for any information or advice you have.

  • 6.1 was released in 2008 and Support ended in 2011. It will not work with 2012. I recommend upgrading to the latest release, but keep in mind that an upgrade will not be easy as there have been several revisions since then with numerous core changes.
  • 6.1 was released in 2008 and Support ended in 2011. It will not work with 2012. I recommend upgrading to the latest release, but keep in mind that an upgrade will not be easy as there have been several revisions since then with numerous core changes.
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