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Bulk Adjust custom attribute

Hi, I have a MU setup to collect all user objects that have a blank mail attribute AND a custom boolean attribute (attributeX) set to TRUE. What is the easiest way to give a non-ARS admin the capability to make a bulk change of the MU's members and set attributeX=FALSE (which would also remove them as MU members)?



  • 1) Create an access template granting write access to your attribute
    2) Link this template along with an appropriate group to your MU via Delegate Control
    3) Have a member of the above group run a PoSh script (using Set-QADUser with the -proxy switch) to set the attribute to the value you want
  • 1) Create an access template granting write access to your attribute
    2) Link this template along with an appropriate group to your MU via Delegate Control
    3) Have a member of the above group run a PoSh script (using Set-QADUser with the -proxy switch) to set the attribute to the value you want
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