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Bulk Adjust custom attribute

Hi, I have a MU setup to collect all user objects that have a blank mail attribute AND a custom boolean attribute (attributeX) set to TRUE. What is the easiest way to give a non-ARS admin the capability to make a bulk change of the MU's members and set attributeX=FALSE (which would also remove them as MU members)?



  • Thanks for the reply, and that's actually exactly how I did it myself yesterday, but I'm looking for a way to offer the functionality to less technical (read: PoSh averse) users via the MMC console so I can remove my involvement as a requirement. Pipe dream would be for a right-click context menu option to run a specified script housed in Script Modules, or the ability to add the field to the attributes that are displayed in the GUI when viewing properties on multiple accounts. *as a custom attribute, it only shows on the Advanced Properties pane which is not avail for multiples. If there's a way around this to perform bulk edits, I'm not privy to it*
  • Thanks for the reply, and that's actually exactly how I did it myself yesterday, but I'm looking for a way to offer the functionality to less technical (read: PoSh averse) users via the MMC console so I can remove my involvement as a requirement. Pipe dream would be for a right-click context menu option to run a specified script housed in Script Modules, or the ability to add the field to the attributes that are displayed in the GUI when viewing properties on multiple accounts. *as a custom attribute, it only shows on the Advanced Properties pane which is not avail for multiples. If there's a way around this to perform bulk edits, I'm not privy to it*
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