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Bulk Adjust custom attribute

Hi, I have a MU setup to collect all user objects that have a blank mail attribute AND a custom boolean attribute (attributeX) set to TRUE. What is the easiest way to give a non-ARS admin the capability to make a bulk change of the MU's members and set attributeX=FALSE (which would also remove them as MU members)?



  • Ah OK.

    What I would do is this.

    1) Create yourself an on-demand/scheduled type AR workflow with the requisite script included as an activity.
    2) Delegate users access to launch the workflow which will launch the script in the background. Yes, there are Access Template permissions available for this. I believe there might even be built-in ATs available (don't have time to check at the moment).

    Remember, they need to see the workflow and be allowed to launch it.

    Once correctly delegated, they can fire the workflow from the WebUI.

    The only thing you will have to make sure is that the script itself handles the enumeration of the MU. (You can reference the MU as the "SearchRoot" of your Get-QADUser PoSh call by its distinguishedname.)
  • Ah OK.

    What I would do is this.

    1) Create yourself an on-demand/scheduled type AR workflow with the requisite script included as an activity.
    2) Delegate users access to launch the workflow which will launch the script in the background. Yes, there are Access Template permissions available for this. I believe there might even be built-in ATs available (don't have time to check at the moment).

    Remember, they need to see the workflow and be allowed to launch it.

    Once correctly delegated, they can fire the workflow from the WebUI.

    The only thing you will have to make sure is that the script itself handles the enumeration of the MU. (You can reference the MU as the "SearchRoot" of your Get-QADUser PoSh call by its distinguishedname.)
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