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Workflow to Move Disabled Computers


I would like to achieve the following:

When an enabled computer is disabled in a specific OU the computer object must be moved to another OU immediately. I have created a "Change Workflow" with the following criteria:

Operation: Any operation on Computer

Operation Request from: Everyone

Filtering Conditions: userAccountControl equals 4098


What I don't know is when I drag the Object Management option "Move" into the workflow what I need to use in the Activity Target.


Any suggestions?




  • I don't think you have to set anything there unless you want to. The default "Workflow Target" is the object in the "Request" (ActiveRoles transaction) that has been trapped by your start condition. To make the activity itself valid (i.e. fully configured), the only thing you have to do is set a target location for your move.

    Concerning your launch criteria, for future reference, ActiveRoles provides a calculated virtual attribute 'edsaAccountIsDisabled'. So, instead of worrying about the bitwise math on useraccountcontrol, you can simply look for this attribute receiving a value of TRUE.