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Stop/Break Workflow Activity



I am trying to implement a workflow such that it will stop an attribute from being modified based on the results of a search criteria.

So "If result=x continue workflow";"If result=y stop workflow"


The logic I have created to stop the workflow works but the originating action is still pending, which has the effect of "hanging" the target account - anything you try to do to the account fails with the Stop/Break error message.


Is there a way of cancelling the original request in a similar way to a "reject" Approval activity would.



  • Thanks Prasad

    I think this has confirmed the logic I am using. The only difference is that I am triggering the WF on an VA flag. The issue I think I am having is the webUI caching the request.

    If I select the VA the WF triggers and I get the message from the stop/break activity. If I then select Exit on that User Account and reopen the VA is in its original state. However if I don't exit and try to do any admin on the account, then the browser seems to keep trying to update the VA and hangs.

    Thanks for your help
  • Thanks Prasad

    I think this has confirmed the logic I am using. The only difference is that I am triggering the WF on an VA flag. The issue I think I am having is the webUI caching the request.

    If I select the VA the WF triggers and I get the message from the stop/break activity. If I then select Exit on that User Account and reopen the VA is in its original state. However if I don't exit and try to do any admin on the account, then the browser seems to keep trying to update the VA and hangs.

    Thanks for your help
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