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Dynamic Security Group Not Updating Completely

I recently created a new Dynamic Security Group.  The group membership only adds 4000 members after clicking on the Rebuild button and then stops.  There should be close to 10k members based on an ldap query I ran separately in PS.   I built a new dynamic sec. group based on the same search criteria and it stops adding members after 2000 members.  Anyone know what's going on here or how to fix this?  Why can't it build the proper group membership?

ARS v.

  • my points of attention would be when AD\DG_group membership Condition:
    1. Condition contains AD\group_condition (when AD\group_condition changes a member, ARS rebuilds all AD\DG_group, because DC DirSync event does not provide precise enough information on AD\group_condition.member attribute)
    2. Condition is based on mutli-valued attribute

    If Condition is based on plan single-valued attribute, DG used to work solid and quick for large 100K environments with 1-10K+ members.

    If you got Conditions either (1) or (2) AND experience issues, then I recommend to redesign ARS workflow to fall on to single-valued attribute condition.
  • my points of attention would be when AD\DG_group membership Condition:
    1. Condition contains AD\group_condition (when AD\group_condition changes a member, ARS rebuilds all AD\DG_group, because DC DirSync event does not provide precise enough information on AD\group_condition.member attribute)
    2. Condition is based on mutli-valued attribute

    If Condition is based on plan single-valued attribute, DG used to work solid and quick for large 100K environments with 1-10K+ members.

    If you got Conditions either (1) or (2) AND experience issues, then I recommend to redesign ARS workflow to fall on to single-valued attribute condition.
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