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AR workflow - if-else condition for "search activity returned no results"

Hi. I have a workflow that searches for a particular user. The if-else branch on one side is: If the username of found object is not empty. Works fine.

What if no object is found by the search activity? What's the recommended if-else branch for search activity returned no results?

  • I could be wrong about this but the way I always look at it is that any activity that's "in the box" with the Search will only fire if the Search yields something. So if the search result is null, the "in the box" action(s) will not fire.

    So all that to say, you don't need an If-Then branch for a null result.

  • I could be wrong about this but the way I always look at it is that any activity that's "in the box" with the Search will only fire if the Search yields something. So if the search result is null, the "in the box" action(s) will not fire.

    So all that to say, you don't need an If-Then branch for a null result.

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