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active roles upgrade 7.1.2

I have upgrade , but now the web services ars page doesn't show. please help asap


Server Error in '/ARWebAdmin' Application.

Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: s

Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. 

Exception Details: System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: s

Source Error: 

An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.

Stack Trace: 

[ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: s]
   System.IO.StringReader..ctor(String s) +14305592
   ActiveRoles.Web.Application.Misc.MetadataProviderAD.GetReader(String xml) +42
   ActiveRoles.Web.Application.Misc.MetadataProviderAD.get_CommandsReader() +27
   ActiveRoles.Web.Metadata.MetadataBundle.GetCommandsList(IMetadataProvider provider) +27
   ActiveRoles.Web.Metadata.MetadataBundle.Load(IMetadataProvider provider) +123

[MetadataLoadException: Unable to load Web Interface configuration. Incorrect configuration data received from Administration Service or configuration data corrupted on Web server.]
   ActiveRoles.Web.Metadata.MetadataBundle.Load(IMetadataProvider provider) +654
   ActiveRoles.Web.Application.Misc.MetadataManager.get_CurrentCopy() +319
   ActiveRoles.Web.Application.Misc.AccessChecker.CheckSelfServiceAccess() +21
   ActiveRoles.Web.Application.Global.Application_PreRequestHandlerExecute(Object sender, EventArgs e) +195
   System.Web.SyncEventExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication.IExecutionStep.Execute() +142
   System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously) +92
  • hello Daniel,

    my custom Webpage is now starting well, one step further :) thanks for this part .

    but the request command to start an individual command button on the ARS Homepage is not working well

    in ARS 69 the command looks like this,

    New User


    this was migrated from 6.7, so far OK worked well, as it supposed

    for ARS 702 the 69 command did no longer work, the SAVE and NEXT Button are only dispalyed as Text on the page and NOT as clickable Buttons !

    so through some research I figured out this request command:


    so far now for 702 worked well

    now upgrated to 712 and the command from 702 is no longer working,
    #1 when I push the custom Button, the exactly same error message as shown in the first blog entry is displayed
    #2 when I try to change the request command, it say's, it accpet no longer script-syntax in this configuration box :(

    I tried now in 712, somwthing like this


    but this show the new User Form on the whole IE-Screen, and remove the Navigation Bar on the left side (Home Button/Directory management etc ..)
    so not really something nice ..

    Already contacted the Support, but wanted to share my expierence here as well ..


  • hello Daniel,

    my custom Webpage is now starting well, one step further :) thanks for this part .

    but the request command to start an individual command button on the ARS Homepage is not working well

    in ARS 69 the command looks like this,

    New User


    this was migrated from 6.7, so far OK worked well, as it supposed

    for ARS 702 the 69 command did no longer work, the SAVE and NEXT Button are only dispalyed as Text on the page and NOT as clickable Buttons !

    so through some research I figured out this request command:


    so far now for 702 worked well

    now upgrated to 712 and the command from 702 is no longer working,
    #1 when I push the custom Button, the exactly same error message as shown in the first blog entry is displayed
    #2 when I try to change the request command, it say's, it accpet no longer script-syntax in this configuration box :(

    I tried now in 712, somwthing like this


    but this show the new User Form on the whole IE-Screen, and remove the Navigation Bar on the left side (Home Button/Directory management etc ..)
    so not really something nice ..

    Already contacted the Support, but wanted to share my expierence here as well ..


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