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How to push a boolean FALSE in forward sync rule


I want to push a boolean FALSE in a Forward Sync Rule in Active Roles Synchronisation Service?

I tried sync new User from a SQL Database to Active Roles. At the sync process I have to fill edsaPasswordNeverExpire with false, because there is a policy for that value.

All values I tried to push in the forward sync rule result in a error:

An error occured while creating the object 'xxxx yyyy'
Corporate policy violation. The 'edsaPasswordNeverExpires' property value does not conform to corporate policy.
The specified value 'TRUE' does not conform to policy requirements.

As Source I tried following textvalues:

  • false
  • False
  • 0

I also tried an empty Value...


How to solve this problem?


  • The name of the policy should be displayed with the error message - or you can click on the Policy icon to see the name of it - such as "Password Never Expires" or similar.

    Review the Policy in question and there should be a setting in there for edsaPasswordNeverExpires.

    Perhaps it is set to only allow "1", such as this:



    Kind regards

  • The name of the policy should be displayed with the error message - or you can click on the Policy icon to see the name of it - such as "Password Never Expires" or similar.

    Review the Policy in question and there should be a setting in there for edsaPasswordNeverExpires.

    Perhaps it is set to only allow "1", such as this:



    Kind regards

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