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add secondary owner to an account through Powershell

Hi, Is there any way to update secondary owner on an user account through PowerShell? I have tried with below command but it didn't worked.

set-qaduser kalyan -ObjectAttributes @{secondaryowner =} -Proxy




  • Hello Kalyan,

    If you look at the Advanced Properties of a User Object, you will find all attributes and their syntax.

    In this case, you should be updating "edsvaSecondaryOwners", not "secondaryowner".

    Also, this attribte requires a DN, not a UPN.
  • Hello Kalyan,

    If you look at the Advanced Properties of a User Object, you will find all attributes and their syntax.

    In this case, you should be updating "edsvaSecondaryOwners", not "secondaryowner".

    Also, this attribte requires a DN, not a UPN.
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