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authOrig Errors

Using WI, we are not able to set authOrig, as it gives us this error:


  • Administrative Policy returned an error. One or more values have incorrect format.


In our 6.9 instance it works just fine, but in our 7.0 instance it only gives this error on the webpage itself and nothing in the event viewer.

This is part of the combination, built-in attribute, "Accept Messages", which includes authOrig, dLMemRejectPerms, dLMemSubmitPerms, msExchRequireAuthToSendTo, and unauthOrig


Users are able to remove already added users from the field but cannot add more. I attempted through PowerShell as well and got the same error, using the same array I created in PowerShell with the DN's of the users, I executed the command successfully through the standard Set-ADUser command.

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