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Setting primary ARS Administration Server

We're running two instances of ARS for redundancy and fail over but we're running into issues with debugging, replication, etc because it bounces between the servers when someone connects to the WI. 

Is there a way to force the IIS server to only use one of the ARS servers unless it's unreachable then make the switch?

Version: ARS 7.1

  • Depends on how you configured the web sites originally.

    You can set them up to connect to "any" AR server - which means that they will typically connect to the "first" one in the AR server SCP list in your AD System container.

    The only "issue" with this is that if the "current" AR server goes down, I believe you need to do an IISRestart to get the site to (re)connect to the 'up' AR Server.

    The other alternative is to configure the website to point to a specific AR server all the time - that way you don't have to do the dance I described above.

    You can modify the site connection behavior per this article:
  • Depends on how you configured the web sites originally.

    You can set them up to connect to "any" AR server - which means that they will typically connect to the "first" one in the AR server SCP list in your AD System container.

    The only "issue" with this is that if the "current" AR server goes down, I believe you need to do an IISRestart to get the site to (re)connect to the 'up' AR Server.

    The other alternative is to configure the website to point to a specific AR server all the time - that way you don't have to do the dance I described above.

    You can modify the site connection behavior per this article:
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