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Can we add new custom connector in new ARS 7.1 synchronization service?

Hi All,

we want to create a custom connector to connect web service for e.g.

is there any way or sample code we can get? like in QC we created a custom connector to connect web service.

Thank You, 

  • I've not looked at the sync service in detail however, I believe that the custom connector methodology from QC would probably work.

    Only caveat is that given that there is no documentation for this anymore, the supportability of such a solution would be in question.
  • thank you for reply
    will it be available in future? any road map to connect to web service or custom application?
  • 1. bridging from non-Windows platforms (say HR) to AD/Windows (via ARS) was used via QC or ARS SPML provider (in past). With OneIdentity IDM solution introduced it moved from ARS to IDM (make sense).
    2. bridging from AD/Windows to non-Windows platforms in ARS via QC, was an attempt to raise ARS to IDM solution. the attempt was not perfectly successful and decision was made to move it from ARS to OneIdentity IDM solution (make sense).
  • Agree with Aidar's comments to a point. However, there is a segment of customer out there who do not wish to have a separate, platform-independent identity store like Identity Manager but are quite content to use AD for this purpose. This is the very reason for the on-going existence of ActiveRoles.
  • I will stress accent on point John made. My prev. comments do not impact ARS value. Even if customer wants to have metadirectory solution/umbrella over multiple platforms, the ARS lives on one floor below at AD/Windows room, and customer will have a strong case to have ARS in parallel to IDM. ARS is not IDM metadirectory solution, but operational AD management tool, which cannot be replaced by big guy IDM and coexists in parallel with IDM.
  • So it means in future we cannot add/develop our custom connector in ARS... :(
  • Not would need to talk to someone from the Product Management Group at OneIdentity for a definitive answer to this question.
  • Thanks Johnny.. we will...