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Can we add new custom connector in new ARS 7.1 synchronization service?

Hi All,

we want to create a custom connector to connect web service for e.g.

is there any way or sample code we can get? like in QC we created a custom connector to connect web service.

Thank You, 

  • 1. bridging from non-Windows platforms (say HR) to AD/Windows (via ARS) was used via QC or ARS SPML provider (in past). With OneIdentity IDM solution introduced it moved from ARS to IDM (make sense).
    2. bridging from AD/Windows to non-Windows platforms in ARS via QC, was an attempt to raise ARS to IDM solution. the attempt was not perfectly successful and decision was made to move it from ARS to OneIdentity IDM solution (make sense).
  • 1. bridging from non-Windows platforms (say HR) to AD/Windows (via ARS) was used via QC or ARS SPML provider (in past). With OneIdentity IDM solution introduced it moved from ARS to IDM (make sense).
    2. bridging from AD/Windows to non-Windows platforms in ARS via QC, was an attempt to raise ARS to IDM solution. the attempt was not perfectly successful and decision was made to move it from ARS to OneIdentity IDM solution (make sense).
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