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Workflow Parameter

Hi all,

we need help while passing the parameter to workflow.

we have created a script to get the dfs share path permissions. script is working when we run from the powershell with Write-host. it is showing the permissions.

we are using same script in automated workflow, and created a custom function to specify in the workflow to run script activity.

when we run the script we are ending up with the Error "the expression after '&' in a pipeline element produced an object that was not valid. "



can anyone help to suggest what we are missing while running the automated workflow which is passing the parameter to script.

  • Hi Johnny, thanks for the reply. we are also creating dfs share through ARS. and we are getting same error. here is the script to create dfs share...

    ================start here==================

    #Check for a $path parameter, if not given prompt for it...
    param (
    [string]$folder = $workflow.Parameter("folder"),
    [string]$tla = $workflow.Parameter("tla"),
    [string]$env = $workflow.Parameter("env"),

    function createAppShare {

    #Declared variables

    #NAS hostnames

    #Default App Shares
    #Local Variables

    #Array for Share types
    $arrShareTypes = "application"

    #Hash for share types to DFS namespace
    $hshShareTypes = @{
    "application" = "Applications"

    #Array for envirnment types
    $arrEnv = "DEV", "UAT", "PROD"
    $hshEnv = @{
    "DEV" = "D";
    "UAT" = "U";
    "PROD" = "P"

    #Array for access
    $arrAccess = "RW", "RX"

    #Miscellaneous strings for further processing
    $strToQtree; $strApplication; $strNas; $strShare; $strSharePath; $strPath; $strIsDefApp; $strTLAEnv

    #By default set the $strSvrName to the non-prod instances


    function checkForDFSPath {
    [Parameter(Position=0,mandatory=$true)][string] $strDFSCheckPath

    $ckresult = Get-DfsnFolderTarget $strDFSCheckPath -EA 0
    #Write-Host "DEBUG result for checkForDFSPath function is '$ckresult'"
    if ( $ckresult -ne $null ) {
    #Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "INPUT ERROR!! Parent path '$strDFSCheckPath' is already a DFS Target. Choose a different path to proceed. Exiting"
    exit 10

    #Requires -Version 4.0

    #Import the DFSN module
    Import-Module dfsn

    #Ensure -tla is three letters long
    $measureObject = $tla | Measure-Object -Character;
    if ( $measureObject.Characters -ne 3 ) {
    #Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "INPUT ERROR! -tla argument is not three characters long! Exiting..."
    exit 2

    #Ensure the $env is found in $arrEnvTypes or a two digit Environment and Instance number. Set $sharename variable for further processing
    #Write-Host "DEBUG Got '$env' as an argument gonna do some processing on it"
    if ( $env -match '^\d{2}$' ) {
    #Write-Host "DEBUG found a two digit number gonna check if it is prod or not"
    $sharename=$tla + $env + "$"
    $strTLAEnv = $tla + $env

    #Change $strSvrName to strNASProd if 9 starts the $env variable
    if ( $env -match "9\d" ) {

    } elseif ( $arrEnv -contains $env ) {
    $sharename=$tla + $hshEnv.Get_Item($env) + "$"
    $strTLAEnv = $tla + $hshEnv.Get_Item($env)

    #Change $strSvrName to strNASProd if PROD is the environment
    if ($env -eq "PROD" ) {

    }else {
    #Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "INPUT ERROR! -env must be 'DEV', 'UAT', 'PROD', or a two digit number(XX) representing the environment and instance number! Exiting..."
    exit 3
    #Write-Host "DEBUG using '$strSvrName' as target NAS"

    #Ensure the $access is found in $arrAccess
    if ($access ) {
    if ( $arrAccess -notcontains $access ) {
    #Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "INPUT ERROR! Optional argument -env must be 'RX', or 'RW'! Exiting..."
    exit 4

    #Use $type parameter to determine where to setup the DFS link and setup the $dfsPath variable
    if ( $arrShareTypes -notcontains $type ) {
    $(throw "-type must be either 'application' or 'collaboration'")
    } else {
    $dfsPath="\\$dfsroot\" + $hshShareTypes.Get_Item($type)
    #Write-Host "DEBUG Setting up the $type share under $dfsPath"

    #Determine the DFS path by splitting the $strPath string to determine the qtree dept.
    if ( $type -eq "application" ) {

    #Check to see if $strSharePath already exists, if it doesn't exit with error
    $strShare="\\" + $strSvrName + "\" + $sharename
    #Write-Host "DEBUG Testing path to $strShare"
    if (!(Test-Path $strShare)) {
    #Write-Host "INFO! Share $strShare does not exist, will create it on the appropriate default app share $strDefApp"
    $strShare="\\" + $strSvrName + "\" + $strDefApp
    #Write-Host "DEBUG: strShare: $strShare"

    #Construct the $strPath string and check to see if $strPath already exists, if so exit script
    $strPath = $strShare + "\" + $folder

    if ($strSvrName.ToLower().StartsWith("ntap")) {
    #Write-Host "DEBUG Netapp server detected!!"

    #Split the string by backslashes limiting the array to 5 elements with the 4th being the sharename
    $arrPath = $strPath -split("\\",5)
    $strSvrName=$arrPath[2]; $sharename=$arrPath[3]; $strRemains=$arrPath[4]
    #Write-Host "DEBUG Path breakdown is as follows: servername:'$strSvrName' sharename: '$sharename' remains: '$strRemains'"
    $strToShare="\\" + $strSvrName + "\" + $sharename
    #Write-Host "DEBUG strToShare: $strToShare"
    } else {
    #Legacy nas does not have a qtree value
    #Write-Host "DEBUG Legacy nas detected!!"
    #Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "FATAL ERROR!! could not determine that the target NAS is a Netapp SVM. No support for setting up shares on legacy NAS"
    exit 6

    #Error out if operator provides a traling backslah in -Folder argument
    #Write-Host "DEBUG Checking for a trailing slash here"
    if ($strRemains -match '\\$') {
    #Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "INPUT ERROR!!! Found a trailing backslash in folder argument '$strRemains'. Please rerun the script without trailing backslashes."
    exit 7
    #$strRemains = $strRemains -replace '\\$','' #Work in progress to remove all trailing backslahes
    #Write-Host "DEBUG strRemains after removal is '$strRemains'"

    #Verify that there are no '-' in the remaining string
    if ($strRemains.Contains("-")) {
    #Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "INPUT ERROR!!! $strPath contains an invalid character '-'. Please remove the character and re-run the script."
    exit 8
    } else {
    #Write-Host "DEBUG strRemains before replacement of backslashes '$strRemains' "
    $strRemains = $strRemains -replace "\\","-"
    #Write-Host "DEBUG strRemains after replacement '$strRemains' "

    #Verify that a DFS folder structure specified under the share will not be more than three levels deep, else exit script with an error
    if ( $strRemains ) {

    $strApplication = "$tla$env"
    #Write-Host "DEBUG application string: $strApplication"
    $dfsPath += "\" + $tla + "-" + $env + "\"

    #Write-Host "DEBUG Working on remaining string"
    $arrRemains = $strRemains -split("-")
    #Write-Host "DEBUG arrRemains after split: '$arrRemains' "

    #If remaining string is greater than two, then exit on error
    if ( $arrRemains.count -eq 1 ) {
    #Write-Host "DEBUG Doing something with one thing"
    $strDFSPathEnd = $arrRemains[0]
    $strGroup = $arrRemains[0]
    $strGroup = $strGroup -replace '\s',''
    } elseif ( $arrRemains.count -eq 2 ) {
    #Write-Host "DEBUG Doing something with two things"

    #Use $strDFSCheckPath target's parents are DFSTargets already, if so error out
    $strDFSCheckPath = $dfsPath + $arrRemains[0]
    #Check $strDFSCheckPath if it is a DFSTarget already, if so error out
    #Write-Host "DEBUG strDFSCheckPath 1 is '$strDFSCheckPath'"
    checkForDFSPath $strDFSCheckPath

    $strDFSPathEnd = $arrRemains[0] + "\" + $arrRemains[1]
    $strGroup = $arrRemains[0] + "-" + $arrRemains[1]
    $strGroup = $strGroup -replace '\s',''
    } elseif ( $arrRemains.count -eq 3 ) {
    #Write-Host "DEBUG Doing something with three things"

    #Use $strDFSCheckPath target's parents are DFSTargets already, if so error out
    $strDFSCheckPath = $dfsPath + $arrRemains[0]
    #Check $strDFSCheckPath if it is a DFSTarget already, if so error out
    #Write-Host "DEBUG strDFSCheckPath 1 is '$strDFSCheckPath'"
    checkForDFSPath $strDFSCheckPath

    $strDFSCheckPath += "\" + $arrRemains[1]
    #Write-Host "DEBUG strDFSCheckPath 2 is '$strDFSCheckPath'"
    checkForDFSPath $strDFSCheckPath

    $strDFSPathEnd = $arrRemains[0] + "\" + $arrRemains[1] + "\" + $arrRemains[2]

    $strGroup = $arrRemains[0] + "-" + $arrRemains[1] + "-" + $arrRemains[2]
    $strGroup = $strGroup -replace '\s',''
    } else {
    #Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "INPUT ERROR! Permissions may only go three level deep as a maximum. Check path and re-run script."
    exit 9
    } else {
    #Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "INPUT ERROR!!! Folder argument is blank or unreadable. Exiting."
    exit 10

    $dfsPath += $strDFSPathEnd
    #Write-Host "DEBUG Setting up the $type share under $dfsPath"

    #If the DFS path already exists then fatally exit
    if (Test-Path $dfsPath) {
    #Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "INPUT ERROR! $dfsPath already exists. Check path and try again. Exiting..."
    exit 11

    #Verify that the path to the share exists then create the DFS paths, else fatally exit
    if (Test-Path $strToShare) {

    #Setup local variables for later use

    #Check to see if security group will be greater than 64 characters
    $strGGroupLen = $ggrouprx.Length
    if ($strGGroupLen -ge 65 ) {
    #Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "INPUT ERROR! Resulting group name is greater than the maximum of 64 characters! Please shorten the folder argument!"
    exit 10

    #Add code to insert a TLA+Env if using the default app share introduced in Version 1.3 of the script
    if ( $strIsDefApp ) {
    #Write-Host "DEBUG Default app string is detected gonna do some stuff"
    $strSharePath = $strShare + "\" + $strTLAEnv + "-" + $strRemains
    } else {
    $strSharePath=$strShare + "\" + $strRemains

    #Write-Host "DEBUG will use $strSharePath for DFS target folder"

    #Create the path, if it doesn't exist. If it exists, exit
    #Write-Host "DEBUG Creating $strSharePath"
    if (Test-Path $strSharePath) {
    #Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "FATAL ERROR! DFS folder target $strSharePath already exists. Check to see if contents exist and remove it and rerun script. Exiting..."
    exit 8
    try {New-Item -ItemType "directory" -Path $strSharePath -ErrorAction stop|out-null} catch {
    #Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "FATAL ACCESS DENIED ERROR!!! '$strSharePath' could not be created. Run with the delegated account or follow-up with Platforms for access group memberships"
    exit 16

    #Create DFS Folder
    #Write-Host "Creating DFS Path $dfsPath using $strSharePath as targetfolder"
    New-DfsnFolder -TargetPath $strSharePath -Path $dfsPath | Out-Null

    #Create d-file groups
    New-ADGroup -Path "$dFileGroupsPath" -GroupScope DomainLocal -Name $dgrouprw
    New-ADGroup -Path "$dFileGroupsPath" -GroupScope DomainLocal -Name $dgrouprx

    #Use Start-Sleep function to wait 10 seconds to allow the newly created groups to be replicated across the domain
    Start-Sleep -s 30

    #Set foldername in the d-file groups
    Set-ADGroup -Identity $dgrouprw -Add @{folderPathname = "$dfsPath"}
    Set-ADGroup -Identity $dgrouprx -Add @{folderPathname = "$dfsPath"}

    #Set permissions on the new folder
    icacls "$strSharePath" /grant:r $dgrouprw":(OI)(CI)M" /grant:r $dgrouprx":(OI)(CI)RX" | Out-Null

    #Create g-group if not specified as an argument.
    New-ADGroup -Path "$gGroupsPath" -GroupScope Global -Name $ggrouprw
    New-ADGroup -Path "$gGroupsPath" -GroupScope Global -Name $ggrouprx

    #Use Start-Sleep function to wait 10 seconds to allow the newly created groups to be replicated accross the domain
    Start-Sleep -s 30

    Add-ADGroupMember $dgrouprw $ggrouprw
    Add-ADGroupMember $dgrouprx $ggrouprx

    #If a global group has been given as an argument, add the group to the appropriate g-file group created above if it exists
    if ($globalgroup) {
    #Write-Host "DEBUG groupck using '$globalgroup' as an argument"
    $globalgroup = $globalgroup -replace " ","," #Replace a space character incase the operator did not encase the $globalgroup in quotes

    #Add a loop through the $globalgroup argument by looking for a comma separated list
    $arrGGroups = $globalgroup.Split(",")
    #Write-Host "DEBUG there are " . $arrGGroups.Count . " elements in the array"
    foreach($addGGroup in $arrGGroups) {

    #Write-Host "DEBUG going to process '$addGGroup' "
    $dGrpToAdd = $dgrouprw #Set default d group to add members as RW

    #Split with a ':' in the $addAccount to see if RX is specified
    $arrGGrpSplit = $addGGroup.Split(":")
    $addGGroup=$arrGGrpSplit[0]; $access = $arrGGrpSplit[1]
    if ($access) {
    #Write-Host "DEBUG found something $access"
    if ($access -eq "RX") {
    $dGrpToAdd = $dgrouprx

    $ggroupck = [bool](Get-ADObject -filter {sAMAccountname -eq $addGGroup})
    #Write-Host "DEBUG G-group check is '$ggroupck'"
    if ($ggroupck) {
    if ($access -and ($accesss -eq "RX")) {
    #Write-Host "MEMBERSHIP INFO: Adding '$addGGroup' to $dGrpToAdd"
    Add-ADGroupMember $dGrpToAdd $addGGroup
    } else {
    #Write-Host "MEMBERSHIP INFO: Adding '$addGGroup' to $dGrpToAdd"
    Add-ADGroupMember $dGrpToAdd $addGGroup
    } else {
    #Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "INPUT WARNING! Did not detect a group named '$addGGroup'. Please add membership to '$dGrpToAdd' manually..."

    } #End of $arrGGroups ForEach loop
    } #End of $globalgroup check if statement

    #If a service account argument has been given as an argument, add the serviceaccount to the appropriate d-file group created above if it exists
    if ($svcacct) {

    $svcacct = $svcacct -replace " ","," #Replace a space character in case the operator did not encase the $svcacct in quotes

    #Add a loop through the $acct argument by looking for a comma separated list
    $arrSvcAccounts = $svcacct.Split(",")
    #Write-Host "DEBUG there are " . $arrSvcAccounts.Count . " elements in the array"
    foreach($addAccount in $arrSvcAccounts) {

    $dGrpToAdd = $dgrouprw #Set default group to add members as RW

    #Split with a ':' in the $addAccount to see if RX is specified
    $arrAcctSplit = $addAccount.Split(":")
    $addAccount=$arrAcctSplit[0]; $access = $arrAcctSplit[1]
    if ($access) {
    #Write-Host "DEBUG found something $access"
    if ($access -eq "RX") {
    $dGrpToAdd = $dgrouprx

    $svcacctck = [bool](Get-ADObject -filter {sAMAccountname -eq $addAccount})
    #Write-Host "DEBUG Status of account check for $addAccount is '$svcacctck'"
    if ($svcacctck) {
    #Write-Host "MEMBERSHIP INFO: Adding '$addAccount' to $dGrpToAdd"
    Add-ADGroupMember $dGrpToAdd $addAccount
    } else {
    #Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "INPUT WARNING! Did not find a service account named '$addAccount'. Please add membership to $dGrpToAdd manually..."
    } #End of $arrSvcAccounts ForEach loop
    } #End of $svcacct check if statement

    #If a user account argument has been given as an argument, add the user account to the appropriate g-file group created above if it exists
    if ($acct) {

    $acct = $acct -replace " ","," #Replace a space character in case the operator did not encase the $acct in quotes

    #Add a loop through the $acct argument by looking for a comma separated list
    $arrAccounts = $acct.Split(",")
    #Write-Host "DEBUG there are " . $arrAccounts.Count . " elements in the array"
    foreach($addAccount in $arrAccounts) {

    $gGrpToAdd = $ggrouprw #Set default group to add members as RW

    #Split with a ':' in the $addAccount to see if RX is specified
    $arrAcctSplit = $addAccount.Split(":")
    $addAccount=$arrAcctSplit[0]; $access = $arrAcctSplit[1]
    if ($access) {
    #Write-Host "DEBUG found something $access"
    if ($access -eq "RX") {
    $gGrpToAdd = $ggrouprx

    $acctck = [bool](Get-ADObject -filter {sAMAccountname -eq $addAccount})
    #Write-Host "DEBUG Status of account check for $addAccount is '$acctck'"
    if ($acctck) {
    #Write-Host "MEMBERSHIP INFO: Adding '$addAccount' to $gGrpToAdd"
    Add-ADGroupMember $gGrpToAdd $addAccount
    } else {
    #Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "INPUT WARNING! Did not find an account named '$addAccount'. Please add membership to $gGrpToAdd manually..."
    } #End of $arrAccounts ForEach loop
    } #End of $acct check if statement

    #Write-Host "Completed DFS creation. Global groups are $ggrouprw and $ggrouprx `n"

    } else {
    #Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "INPUT ERROR! $strToShare is not reachable. Check path and try again. Exiting..."
    exit 15
    } #End of application if statement

    ========Ends here======================
  • Hi Johnny, thanks for the reply. we are also creating dfs share through ARS. and we are getting same error. here is the script to create dfs share...

    ================start here==================

    #Check for a $path parameter, if not given prompt for it...
    param (
    [string]$folder = $workflow.Parameter("folder"),
    [string]$tla = $workflow.Parameter("tla"),
    [string]$env = $workflow.Parameter("env"),

    function createAppShare {

    #Declared variables

    #NAS hostnames

    #Default App Shares
    #Local Variables

    #Array for Share types
    $arrShareTypes = "application"

    #Hash for share types to DFS namespace
    $hshShareTypes = @{
    "application" = "Applications"

    #Array for envirnment types
    $arrEnv = "DEV", "UAT", "PROD"
    $hshEnv = @{
    "DEV" = "D";
    "UAT" = "U";
    "PROD" = "P"

    #Array for access
    $arrAccess = "RW", "RX"

    #Miscellaneous strings for further processing
    $strToQtree; $strApplication; $strNas; $strShare; $strSharePath; $strPath; $strIsDefApp; $strTLAEnv

    #By default set the $strSvrName to the non-prod instances


    function checkForDFSPath {
    [Parameter(Position=0,mandatory=$true)][string] $strDFSCheckPath

    $ckresult = Get-DfsnFolderTarget $strDFSCheckPath -EA 0
    #Write-Host "DEBUG result for checkForDFSPath function is '$ckresult'"
    if ( $ckresult -ne $null ) {
    #Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "INPUT ERROR!! Parent path '$strDFSCheckPath' is already a DFS Target. Choose a different path to proceed. Exiting"
    exit 10

    #Requires -Version 4.0

    #Import the DFSN module
    Import-Module dfsn

    #Ensure -tla is three letters long
    $measureObject = $tla | Measure-Object -Character;
    if ( $measureObject.Characters -ne 3 ) {
    #Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "INPUT ERROR! -tla argument is not three characters long! Exiting..."
    exit 2

    #Ensure the $env is found in $arrEnvTypes or a two digit Environment and Instance number. Set $sharename variable for further processing
    #Write-Host "DEBUG Got '$env' as an argument gonna do some processing on it"
    if ( $env -match '^\d{2}$' ) {
    #Write-Host "DEBUG found a two digit number gonna check if it is prod or not"
    $sharename=$tla + $env + "$"
    $strTLAEnv = $tla + $env

    #Change $strSvrName to strNASProd if 9 starts the $env variable
    if ( $env -match "9\d" ) {

    } elseif ( $arrEnv -contains $env ) {
    $sharename=$tla + $hshEnv.Get_Item($env) + "$"
    $strTLAEnv = $tla + $hshEnv.Get_Item($env)

    #Change $strSvrName to strNASProd if PROD is the environment
    if ($env -eq "PROD" ) {

    }else {
    #Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "INPUT ERROR! -env must be 'DEV', 'UAT', 'PROD', or a two digit number(XX) representing the environment and instance number! Exiting..."
    exit 3
    #Write-Host "DEBUG using '$strSvrName' as target NAS"

    #Ensure the $access is found in $arrAccess
    if ($access ) {
    if ( $arrAccess -notcontains $access ) {
    #Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "INPUT ERROR! Optional argument -env must be 'RX', or 'RW'! Exiting..."
    exit 4

    #Use $type parameter to determine where to setup the DFS link and setup the $dfsPath variable
    if ( $arrShareTypes -notcontains $type ) {
    $(throw "-type must be either 'application' or 'collaboration'")
    } else {
    $dfsPath="\\$dfsroot\" + $hshShareTypes.Get_Item($type)
    #Write-Host "DEBUG Setting up the $type share under $dfsPath"

    #Determine the DFS path by splitting the $strPath string to determine the qtree dept.
    if ( $type -eq "application" ) {

    #Check to see if $strSharePath already exists, if it doesn't exit with error
    $strShare="\\" + $strSvrName + "\" + $sharename
    #Write-Host "DEBUG Testing path to $strShare"
    if (!(Test-Path $strShare)) {
    #Write-Host "INFO! Share $strShare does not exist, will create it on the appropriate default app share $strDefApp"
    $strShare="\\" + $strSvrName + "\" + $strDefApp
    #Write-Host "DEBUG: strShare: $strShare"

    #Construct the $strPath string and check to see if $strPath already exists, if so exit script
    $strPath = $strShare + "\" + $folder

    if ($strSvrName.ToLower().StartsWith("ntap")) {
    #Write-Host "DEBUG Netapp server detected!!"

    #Split the string by backslashes limiting the array to 5 elements with the 4th being the sharename
    $arrPath = $strPath -split("\\",5)
    $strSvrName=$arrPath[2]; $sharename=$arrPath[3]; $strRemains=$arrPath[4]
    #Write-Host "DEBUG Path breakdown is as follows: servername:'$strSvrName' sharename: '$sharename' remains: '$strRemains'"
    $strToShare="\\" + $strSvrName + "\" + $sharename
    #Write-Host "DEBUG strToShare: $strToShare"
    } else {
    #Legacy nas does not have a qtree value
    #Write-Host "DEBUG Legacy nas detected!!"
    #Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "FATAL ERROR!! could not determine that the target NAS is a Netapp SVM. No support for setting up shares on legacy NAS"
    exit 6

    #Error out if operator provides a traling backslah in -Folder argument
    #Write-Host "DEBUG Checking for a trailing slash here"
    if ($strRemains -match '\\$') {
    #Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "INPUT ERROR!!! Found a trailing backslash in folder argument '$strRemains'. Please rerun the script without trailing backslashes."
    exit 7
    #$strRemains = $strRemains -replace '\\$','' #Work in progress to remove all trailing backslahes
    #Write-Host "DEBUG strRemains after removal is '$strRemains'"

    #Verify that there are no '-' in the remaining string
    if ($strRemains.Contains("-")) {
    #Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "INPUT ERROR!!! $strPath contains an invalid character '-'. Please remove the character and re-run the script."
    exit 8
    } else {
    #Write-Host "DEBUG strRemains before replacement of backslashes '$strRemains' "
    $strRemains = $strRemains -replace "\\","-"
    #Write-Host "DEBUG strRemains after replacement '$strRemains' "

    #Verify that a DFS folder structure specified under the share will not be more than three levels deep, else exit script with an error
    if ( $strRemains ) {

    $strApplication = "$tla$env"
    #Write-Host "DEBUG application string: $strApplication"
    $dfsPath += "\" + $tla + "-" + $env + "\"

    #Write-Host "DEBUG Working on remaining string"
    $arrRemains = $strRemains -split("-")
    #Write-Host "DEBUG arrRemains after split: '$arrRemains' "

    #If remaining string is greater than two, then exit on error
    if ( $arrRemains.count -eq 1 ) {
    #Write-Host "DEBUG Doing something with one thing"
    $strDFSPathEnd = $arrRemains[0]
    $strGroup = $arrRemains[0]
    $strGroup = $strGroup -replace '\s',''
    } elseif ( $arrRemains.count -eq 2 ) {
    #Write-Host "DEBUG Doing something with two things"

    #Use $strDFSCheckPath target's parents are DFSTargets already, if so error out
    $strDFSCheckPath = $dfsPath + $arrRemains[0]
    #Check $strDFSCheckPath if it is a DFSTarget already, if so error out
    #Write-Host "DEBUG strDFSCheckPath 1 is '$strDFSCheckPath'"
    checkForDFSPath $strDFSCheckPath

    $strDFSPathEnd = $arrRemains[0] + "\" + $arrRemains[1]
    $strGroup = $arrRemains[0] + "-" + $arrRemains[1]
    $strGroup = $strGroup -replace '\s',''
    } elseif ( $arrRemains.count -eq 3 ) {
    #Write-Host "DEBUG Doing something with three things"

    #Use $strDFSCheckPath target's parents are DFSTargets already, if so error out
    $strDFSCheckPath = $dfsPath + $arrRemains[0]
    #Check $strDFSCheckPath if it is a DFSTarget already, if so error out
    #Write-Host "DEBUG strDFSCheckPath 1 is '$strDFSCheckPath'"
    checkForDFSPath $strDFSCheckPath

    $strDFSCheckPath += "\" + $arrRemains[1]
    #Write-Host "DEBUG strDFSCheckPath 2 is '$strDFSCheckPath'"
    checkForDFSPath $strDFSCheckPath

    $strDFSPathEnd = $arrRemains[0] + "\" + $arrRemains[1] + "\" + $arrRemains[2]

    $strGroup = $arrRemains[0] + "-" + $arrRemains[1] + "-" + $arrRemains[2]
    $strGroup = $strGroup -replace '\s',''
    } else {
    #Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "INPUT ERROR! Permissions may only go three level deep as a maximum. Check path and re-run script."
    exit 9
    } else {
    #Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "INPUT ERROR!!! Folder argument is blank or unreadable. Exiting."
    exit 10

    $dfsPath += $strDFSPathEnd
    #Write-Host "DEBUG Setting up the $type share under $dfsPath"

    #If the DFS path already exists then fatally exit
    if (Test-Path $dfsPath) {
    #Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "INPUT ERROR! $dfsPath already exists. Check path and try again. Exiting..."
    exit 11

    #Verify that the path to the share exists then create the DFS paths, else fatally exit
    if (Test-Path $strToShare) {

    #Setup local variables for later use

    #Check to see if security group will be greater than 64 characters
    $strGGroupLen = $ggrouprx.Length
    if ($strGGroupLen -ge 65 ) {
    #Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "INPUT ERROR! Resulting group name is greater than the maximum of 64 characters! Please shorten the folder argument!"
    exit 10

    #Add code to insert a TLA+Env if using the default app share introduced in Version 1.3 of the script
    if ( $strIsDefApp ) {
    #Write-Host "DEBUG Default app string is detected gonna do some stuff"
    $strSharePath = $strShare + "\" + $strTLAEnv + "-" + $strRemains
    } else {
    $strSharePath=$strShare + "\" + $strRemains

    #Write-Host "DEBUG will use $strSharePath for DFS target folder"

    #Create the path, if it doesn't exist. If it exists, exit
    #Write-Host "DEBUG Creating $strSharePath"
    if (Test-Path $strSharePath) {
    #Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "FATAL ERROR! DFS folder target $strSharePath already exists. Check to see if contents exist and remove it and rerun script. Exiting..."
    exit 8
    try {New-Item -ItemType "directory" -Path $strSharePath -ErrorAction stop|out-null} catch {
    #Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "FATAL ACCESS DENIED ERROR!!! '$strSharePath' could not be created. Run with the delegated account or follow-up with Platforms for access group memberships"
    exit 16

    #Create DFS Folder
    #Write-Host "Creating DFS Path $dfsPath using $strSharePath as targetfolder"
    New-DfsnFolder -TargetPath $strSharePath -Path $dfsPath | Out-Null

    #Create d-file groups
    New-ADGroup -Path "$dFileGroupsPath" -GroupScope DomainLocal -Name $dgrouprw
    New-ADGroup -Path "$dFileGroupsPath" -GroupScope DomainLocal -Name $dgrouprx

    #Use Start-Sleep function to wait 10 seconds to allow the newly created groups to be replicated across the domain
    Start-Sleep -s 30

    #Set foldername in the d-file groups
    Set-ADGroup -Identity $dgrouprw -Add @{folderPathname = "$dfsPath"}
    Set-ADGroup -Identity $dgrouprx -Add @{folderPathname = "$dfsPath"}

    #Set permissions on the new folder
    icacls "$strSharePath" /grant:r $dgrouprw":(OI)(CI)M" /grant:r $dgrouprx":(OI)(CI)RX" | Out-Null

    #Create g-group if not specified as an argument.
    New-ADGroup -Path "$gGroupsPath" -GroupScope Global -Name $ggrouprw
    New-ADGroup -Path "$gGroupsPath" -GroupScope Global -Name $ggrouprx

    #Use Start-Sleep function to wait 10 seconds to allow the newly created groups to be replicated accross the domain
    Start-Sleep -s 30

    Add-ADGroupMember $dgrouprw $ggrouprw
    Add-ADGroupMember $dgrouprx $ggrouprx

    #If a global group has been given as an argument, add the group to the appropriate g-file group created above if it exists
    if ($globalgroup) {
    #Write-Host "DEBUG groupck using '$globalgroup' as an argument"
    $globalgroup = $globalgroup -replace " ","," #Replace a space character incase the operator did not encase the $globalgroup in quotes

    #Add a loop through the $globalgroup argument by looking for a comma separated list
    $arrGGroups = $globalgroup.Split(",")
    #Write-Host "DEBUG there are " . $arrGGroups.Count . " elements in the array"
    foreach($addGGroup in $arrGGroups) {

    #Write-Host "DEBUG going to process '$addGGroup' "
    $dGrpToAdd = $dgrouprw #Set default d group to add members as RW

    #Split with a ':' in the $addAccount to see if RX is specified
    $arrGGrpSplit = $addGGroup.Split(":")
    $addGGroup=$arrGGrpSplit[0]; $access = $arrGGrpSplit[1]
    if ($access) {
    #Write-Host "DEBUG found something $access"
    if ($access -eq "RX") {
    $dGrpToAdd = $dgrouprx

    $ggroupck = [bool](Get-ADObject -filter {sAMAccountname -eq $addGGroup})
    #Write-Host "DEBUG G-group check is '$ggroupck'"
    if ($ggroupck) {
    if ($access -and ($accesss -eq "RX")) {
    #Write-Host "MEMBERSHIP INFO: Adding '$addGGroup' to $dGrpToAdd"
    Add-ADGroupMember $dGrpToAdd $addGGroup
    } else {
    #Write-Host "MEMBERSHIP INFO: Adding '$addGGroup' to $dGrpToAdd"
    Add-ADGroupMember $dGrpToAdd $addGGroup
    } else {
    #Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "INPUT WARNING! Did not detect a group named '$addGGroup'. Please add membership to '$dGrpToAdd' manually..."

    } #End of $arrGGroups ForEach loop
    } #End of $globalgroup check if statement

    #If a service account argument has been given as an argument, add the serviceaccount to the appropriate d-file group created above if it exists
    if ($svcacct) {

    $svcacct = $svcacct -replace " ","," #Replace a space character in case the operator did not encase the $svcacct in quotes

    #Add a loop through the $acct argument by looking for a comma separated list
    $arrSvcAccounts = $svcacct.Split(",")
    #Write-Host "DEBUG there are " . $arrSvcAccounts.Count . " elements in the array"
    foreach($addAccount in $arrSvcAccounts) {

    $dGrpToAdd = $dgrouprw #Set default group to add members as RW

    #Split with a ':' in the $addAccount to see if RX is specified
    $arrAcctSplit = $addAccount.Split(":")
    $addAccount=$arrAcctSplit[0]; $access = $arrAcctSplit[1]
    if ($access) {
    #Write-Host "DEBUG found something $access"
    if ($access -eq "RX") {
    $dGrpToAdd = $dgrouprx

    $svcacctck = [bool](Get-ADObject -filter {sAMAccountname -eq $addAccount})
    #Write-Host "DEBUG Status of account check for $addAccount is '$svcacctck'"
    if ($svcacctck) {
    #Write-Host "MEMBERSHIP INFO: Adding '$addAccount' to $dGrpToAdd"
    Add-ADGroupMember $dGrpToAdd $addAccount
    } else {
    #Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "INPUT WARNING! Did not find a service account named '$addAccount'. Please add membership to $dGrpToAdd manually..."
    } #End of $arrSvcAccounts ForEach loop
    } #End of $svcacct check if statement

    #If a user account argument has been given as an argument, add the user account to the appropriate g-file group created above if it exists
    if ($acct) {

    $acct = $acct -replace " ","," #Replace a space character in case the operator did not encase the $acct in quotes

    #Add a loop through the $acct argument by looking for a comma separated list
    $arrAccounts = $acct.Split(",")
    #Write-Host "DEBUG there are " . $arrAccounts.Count . " elements in the array"
    foreach($addAccount in $arrAccounts) {

    $gGrpToAdd = $ggrouprw #Set default group to add members as RW

    #Split with a ':' in the $addAccount to see if RX is specified
    $arrAcctSplit = $addAccount.Split(":")
    $addAccount=$arrAcctSplit[0]; $access = $arrAcctSplit[1]
    if ($access) {
    #Write-Host "DEBUG found something $access"
    if ($access -eq "RX") {
    $gGrpToAdd = $ggrouprx

    $acctck = [bool](Get-ADObject -filter {sAMAccountname -eq $addAccount})
    #Write-Host "DEBUG Status of account check for $addAccount is '$acctck'"
    if ($acctck) {
    #Write-Host "MEMBERSHIP INFO: Adding '$addAccount' to $gGrpToAdd"
    Add-ADGroupMember $gGrpToAdd $addAccount
    } else {
    #Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "INPUT WARNING! Did not find an account named '$addAccount'. Please add membership to $gGrpToAdd manually..."
    } #End of $arrAccounts ForEach loop
    } #End of $acct check if statement

    #Write-Host "Completed DFS creation. Global groups are $ggrouprw and $ggrouprx `n"

    } else {
    #Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "INPUT ERROR! $strToShare is not reachable. Check path and try again. Exiting..."
    exit 15
    } #End of application if statement

    ========Ends here======================
No Data