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7.1 SyncService AzureADConnector - Graph API version and hidden propeties

Hi all,


the 7.1 releas notes state the Graph API Version 2013-04-05 but when checking the AzureADConnector.config I see the Version 2013-11-08 is being used.

That raises the question If I could change the config and use 1.6 instead.


Furthemore this config contains hiddenProperties - like assignedLicenses andassignedPlans but also more.

And indeed I can't see them when checking the source attributes.

Is there any reason to hide these attributes and is it safe to remove these rows from the hidden properties config  ?


Many thanks in advance,

Jan Asmus

  • Ok, I tested it but it does not work.
    I tested in 2 steps - from 2013-11-08 to 1.5 and 1.6.
    I also considered to change from Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ActiveDirectory to Microsoft.DirectoryServices.
    After changing the config, restarting service and re-opeing the UI - I could see all the newer attributes that came with newer API versions - but when running a job it stopped with the following error:
    "Synchronization steps aborted. details: The closed type Microsoft.DirectoryServices.User does not have a corresponding extension_<guid>_<attributename> settable property"

    That points to the extensionProperties introduced since Version 1.5 (3,5 years ago)

    Dear Quest - is it on the roadmap to use a more modern version than 4 years old API ?
    Some essential Attributes for B2B (SignInName) but also for a proper lifecycle (SoftdeletionTimeStamp) has been introduced by MS some years ago but unfortunately are not available in this old API.

    Cheers, Jan
  • Ok, I tested it but it does not work.
    I tested in 2 steps - from 2013-11-08 to 1.5 and 1.6.
    I also considered to change from Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ActiveDirectory to Microsoft.DirectoryServices.
    After changing the config, restarting service and re-opeing the UI - I could see all the newer attributes that came with newer API versions - but when running a job it stopped with the following error:
    "Synchronization steps aborted. details: The closed type Microsoft.DirectoryServices.User does not have a corresponding extension_<guid>_<attributename> settable property"

    That points to the extensionProperties introduced since Version 1.5 (3,5 years ago)

    Dear Quest - is it on the roadmap to use a more modern version than 4 years old API ?
    Some essential Attributes for B2B (SignInName) but also for a proper lifecycle (SoftdeletionTimeStamp) has been introduced by MS some years ago but unfortunately are not available in this old API.

    Cheers, Jan
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