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7.1 SyncEngine - Office 365 Connector - LicensePlanService and its ObjectID

Hi all,

I wonder to what the ObjectID in a LicensePlanService object is referring too.

I compared this ObjectID with what I can see in AccountSkuID, SkuID and even AccountObjectID but can not find this GUID anywhere when checking my tenant.


Thanks in advance!

Jan Asmus

  • Hi and thanks for the reposnse. Normally the ObjectID or ObjectGUID referrs to the object coming from the source item itself (User Group etc.) and not from something SyncEngine internally. The QuickConnect LicensePlanService "object" seems to be a mix of a Sku and a ServicePlan. Both, a Sku and each ServicePlan have their own ObjectID's wich I'd like to get out of the source object in order to map it based on ObjectID.
    The link is known to me but does not explain where it comes from.
    May I sugegst to integrate the real ObjectID's of Skus and ServicePlans from O365 ?
  • Hi and thanks for the reposnse. Normally the ObjectID or ObjectGUID referrs to the object coming from the source item itself (User Group etc.) and not from something SyncEngine internally. The QuickConnect LicensePlanService "object" seems to be a mix of a Sku and a ServicePlan. Both, a Sku and each ServicePlan have their own ObjectID's wich I'd like to get out of the source object in order to map it based on ObjectID.
    The link is known to me but does not explain where it comes from.
    May I sugegst to integrate the real ObjectID's of Skus and ServicePlans from O365 ?
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