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7.1 SyncEngine - Office 365 Connector - LicensePlanService and its ObjectID

Hi all,

I wonder to what the ObjectID in a LicensePlanService object is referring too.

I compared this ObjectID with what I can see in AccountSkuID, SkuID and even AccountObjectID but can not find this GUID anywhere when checking my tenant.


Thanks in advance!

Jan Asmus

  • I guess its then generated in the code and is maybe different in independant SyncEngine Instance DB's. Workflows from within different Instances would return different ObjectID's.
    I'm assuming its dynamic generation because MS offers new Licenses within existing Plans from time to time (like Planner, Deskless, Flow) in the last time.
    The reason why I'm asking for the native Microsoft objectID's is I'd love to map based on Guid's and we do have already a DB using the native GUIDs - and it would simply help to have the real source ObjectID's to referr too.
  • I guess its then generated in the code and is maybe different in independant SyncEngine Instance DB's. Workflows from within different Instances would return different ObjectID's.
    I'm assuming its dynamic generation because MS offers new Licenses within existing Plans from time to time (like Planner, Deskless, Flow) in the last time.
    The reason why I'm asking for the native Microsoft objectID's is I'd love to map based on Guid's and we do have already a DB using the native GUIDs - and it would simply help to have the real source ObjectID's to referr too.
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