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ARS 7.1 AD changes only as impersonate User


When we do changes within the ARS Console, this seems to be done always with the Quest Service User.

When i check the AD Logs i only see this Name.

Is there a possibility to change this, so we see the Credentials of the User who changed it instead of the Service User?

Kind Regards, Peter

  • Hi Peter

    The name of the actual original initiator of the transaction (along with the target object, before and after attribute values etc.) appears in the event log entries generated by the ActiveRoles administrative service on each of your ActiveRoles servers in ActiveRoles' own event log.

    I recommend to my customers that they archive these logs for later forensic review.

    'Hope this helps.

  • Hi Peter

    The name of the actual original initiator of the transaction (along with the target object, before and after attribute values etc.) appears in the event log entries generated by the ActiveRoles administrative service on each of your ActiveRoles servers in ActiveRoles' own event log.

    I recommend to my customers that they archive these logs for later forensic review.

    'Hope this helps.

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