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Error Configuration Collection

I'm trying to export my configuration but I receive this error which doesn't make anysense to me. From the log file I know which object (it's a workflow) gives the error, but I checked the workflow and can't seem to find any empty parameters.

I have seen this error before on Access Templates, and then it gave an error because the Access Template was assigned to a Container which didn't exist anymore, but this workflow works and is being applied...

Please help, I've attached the error below.




'Configuration collection' cannot continue due to the following problem.

    - Administration Service is not running or cannot be contacted.
    - Problem encountered in Quest One ActiveRoles configuration, or in managed Active Directory objects.
Additional diagnostic information.

 7303 Exception (ArsReader.Get.OpenDSObjectFailed)

Request for object with the following DN failed: EDMS://localhost/<GUID=cef276b9-a6b3-440c-b197-b4522a10b04d>

 16387 Error

Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: key


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