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Sync Service extremely slow after upgrade to ARS 7.1.2

After the upgrade of our 7.0.3 service to version 7.1.2 the sync service is extremely slow now.   The part that is slow is when the sync service performs the step in every workflow called 'Processed objects: Target Active Roles Server'.    This portion used to only take minutes and now takes hours.   It seems to only be processing about 1000 ARS objects at a time.

I have heard that maybe indexing a portion of the sql table might help, does anyone have any helpful direction to point me in?

  • Hello,

    For our own performance issue, we have a "ASYNC_NETWORK_IO" status for most related requests on SQL Server, maybe you can check if it's the same for you. If so, our database admin told us it means the SQL Server is properly handling workload. So for us, it seems to be related to Sync Service, more than SQL Server.

    We also opened a case, I'll update if it can help you.
  • Hello,

    For our own performance issue, we have a "ASYNC_NETWORK_IO" status for most related requests on SQL Server, maybe you can check if it's the same for you. If so, our database admin told us it means the SQL Server is properly handling workload. So for us, it seems to be related to Sync Service, more than SQL Server.

    We also opened a case, I'll update if it can help you.
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