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manage group membership from Sync service


i want to manage groups from oracle table. i got the samaccountname in table with the unique group code.

some of the groups having multiple users separated with "," for eg. user1,user2.


i tried to split the data. but cannot get the dn(in string) of users.


can anyone help in this how to manage users from table?

Thanks in advance


  • Hi Aidar,

    thank you for your reply.

    i manage to split the useraccount and query each element for DN. later i stored the output in one variable and passing to ars via qc. sorry i forgot to mentioned in my question, i am using qc to manage group membership.

    anyways, issue is resolved now. thank you for your reply.
  • Hi Aidar,

    thank you for your reply.

    i manage to split the useraccount and query each element for DN. later i stored the output in one variable and passing to ars via qc. sorry i forgot to mentioned in my question, i am using qc to manage group membership.

    anyways, issue is resolved now. thank you for your reply.
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