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Task Scheduler powershell script connects to the wrong ARS environment

Here is a rather strange issue.  I am running ARS 6.9 and 7 in parallel and I am regression testing all my scripts.  Both environments use the 1.7.0 commandlets.  I have a script which I am running in the windows task scheduler - because it's designed to check that the ARS scheduled tasks have run without error.

I wrote the script using Powergui and tested and it works fine.  I then run the script as a scheduled task and it fails.  Debugging this is tricky but I discovered that the script is refusing to connect to my ARS 7 environment.  It will connect to the 6.9 environment but this is not a lot of use to me. 

I am running the script on the host server that has ARS 7 installed.  The script works in Powergui and it works in the Powershell ISE but it will not  work from either the Powershell shell or the ARS 7 command shell. 

In short

$proxy = connect-QADService -proxy -service <ARS6.9Server> works


$proxy = connect-QADService -proxy -service <ARS7 Server> fails to connect with this error:

 + CategoryInfo          : OperationStopped: (FATAL ERROR: PL...t to ARS server:String) [], RuntimeException
 + FullyQualifiedErrorId : FATAL ERROR: <ARS SERVER 7> '' Line No. 72 - Unable to Connect to ARS server

I can't see why it's working inside Powergui and the MS ISE and not from either command shell. 

  • Client connectivity has changed in Active Roles 7.0. The 1.7.0 cmdlets will not be able to connect to Active Roles 7.0 or 7.1, by design.

    You will have to install the Management Tools and import the Active Roles 7.0 cmdlets:

    Import-Module ActiveRolesManagementShell

    You can install the Management Tools only using a command line switch on the Active Roles installation media:

    Title: Command line options for the installation of Active Roles
    Solution Number: 185799