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Task Scheduler powershell script connects to the wrong ARS environment

Here is a rather strange issue.  I am running ARS 6.9 and 7 in parallel and I am regression testing all my scripts.  Both environments use the 1.7.0 commandlets.  I have a script which I am running in the windows task scheduler - because it's designed to check that the ARS scheduled tasks have run without error.

I wrote the script using Powergui and tested and it works fine.  I then run the script as a scheduled task and it fails.  Debugging this is tricky but I discovered that the script is refusing to connect to my ARS 7 environment.  It will connect to the 6.9 environment but this is not a lot of use to me. 

I am running the script on the host server that has ARS 7 installed.  The script works in Powergui and it works in the Powershell ISE but it will not  work from either the Powershell shell or the ARS 7 command shell. 

In short

$proxy = connect-QADService -proxy -service <ARS6.9Server> works


$proxy = connect-QADService -proxy -service <ARS7 Server> fails to connect with this error:

 + CategoryInfo          : OperationStopped: (FATAL ERROR: PL...t to ARS server:String) [], RuntimeException
 + FullyQualifiedErrorId : FATAL ERROR: <ARS SERVER 7> '' Line No. 72 - Unable to Connect to ARS server

I can't see why it's working inside Powergui and the MS ISE and not from either command shell.