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Script Policy Enable user

Hello Gents,

I have another conundrum with the script policy. I am forcing user to enter a service ticket upon enabling disable account. However, the script policy prevents all modifications.. I think this is because of the attribute (edsaAccountIsDisabled) is always present in the Request handle..  Is there a way to get around it?

If Request.Get("edsaAccountisDisabled") = False  Then
            If Request.Get("edsva-enableAcctSvc-Ticket") = "" Then
                     Err.Raise 1, "Administrative Policy", strError1

            end if

end if



Thanks in advance..

  • Check Is Attribute Changed "edsaAccountisDisabled" - compare DirObj, Request?
    Request contains what attribute values is going to be updated in AD.
    DirObj contains what attribute values is currently set in AD.
    Request and DirObj might be different onPreModify() and the same onPostModify().
  • Check Is Attribute Changed "edsaAccountisDisabled" - compare DirObj, Request?
    Request contains what attribute values is going to be updated in AD.
    DirObj contains what attribute values is currently set in AD.
    Request and DirObj might be different onPreModify() and the same onPostModify().
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